Wildflowers for Boggy Areas
This is a selection of some of our prettiest native plants, for marsh and boggy areas. We choose 5 from the species below, and supply them as 110cc jumbo plug plants or bare root, depending on availability. As with all our plants, they are grown in the UK from seed taken from native populations. Reckon on planting 5 per square metre.
Selected from:
Marsh-marigold (Caltha palustris)
Ragged-robin (Lychnis flos-cuculi)
Yellow Iris (Iris pseudacorus)
Water avens (Geum rivale)
Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)
Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)
Water figwort (Scrophularia auriculata)
Gypsywort (Lycopus europaeus)
Cuckoo flower (Cardimene pratensis)
Please note that these plants are only available on a seasonal basis. The nursery grows new stock from autumn to early spring, so we do not deliver over this period.